Articles recommended as part of Wizread’s Science and Technology Reading List for the GMAT and the GRE RC practice. These articles encompass a wide gamut of subjects including biological sciences, physical sciences, math, environmental sciences, technology and its applications, and innovation. We have classified all these different science reading recommendations under the broad category – Science, Technology, and Environment.
Read all articles in this suggested reading list and use these articles as starting points to search for more articles in each topic and build a strong reading habit. This will go a long way in comprehending Science Technology Environment reading passages in the GRE and the GMAT.
This is not a static list. The suggested reading list gets updated two to three times a week. So, bookmark this blog and revisit it periodically for updated recommended reads.
Tons of Planktons | Nov 26, 2021

There are thousands of species of phytoplankton in the upper reaches of the ocean. The theory of competitive exclusion says that one of these species ought to be a little stronger, and should out-compete the rest. But none has. Why? Read this RC Practice article for a deeper understanding of the reason.
Categories: November 2021 | Difficult
Megayachts Do Megadamage | Nov 17, 2021

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most beautiful stretches of water. While most boats have a negative impact on the environment, megayachts proverbially blow all other vessels out of the water. They can destroy Neptune seagrass close to shore, create noise that harms microorganisms, and their metal paint finds its way into seafood.
Categories: November 2021 | Moderate
C-leeping with the fishes | Nov 12, 2021

When fish (and other marine creatures) die, their corpses sink to the bottom of the seafloor. This takes some carbon out of the upper ocean, and sequesters it on the seabed for thousands of years. If the fish is caught, this excess carbon is put in circulation instead. Read on, to find out what Gaël Mariani proposes, to counter this. This is a short & easy read and can help set a baseline for the difficulty of RC excerpts.
Categories: November 2021 | Easy
Drowning: In Debt & In Rising Sea Levels | Nov 8, 2021

Lower income countries spend five times more on debt than coping with the impact of climate change and reducing carbon emissions. Torn between repaying debts to foreign nations, and repaying their debt towards nature, these countries are in quite a dilemma.
Categories: November 2021 | Moderate
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