The GMAT GRE RC practice reading list for May 2022 comprises 8 suggested reading articles. Includes 3 from social sciences, 1 from business and economy, and 4 from science, technology, and environment. A vast majority of these RC practice suggestions are moderate difficulty articles. As always, read the article and summarize the article in 40 to 50 words and cross check it with the summary given in this blog post.
Impressive Impressionist | May 30

Have you watched the TV series ‘White Collar’? If you have, you would have seen the main character Neal Caffrey’s life influenced by the work of famous impressionist painter Edgar Degas. Degas is only one of the several well known impressionists who revolutionized French art by breaking away from traditional art forms. Yet, Degas was an outlier among impressionists and preferrred not to be called one. This medium length medium difficulty read traces the influence that Degas has had on art forms – impressionism and realism, alike.
Read the social sciences article
Categories: Social Sciences | Moderate
A New Dimension To A Meaningful Life | May 25

We all know the adage, “stop and smell the roses”, which means that we need to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life. Have we ever considered or thought about the why? Research shows that appreciating beauty around us leads to a more meaningful life. In this short easy read, the author summarizes the results of recent studies conducted in the last few years. Each of these studies help demonstrate that appreciating beauty in everyday life – termed ‘existential appreciation’ by the author – can be a significant contributing factor to feeling a sense of meaning in life.
Read the GMAT GRE Reading Practice in Sciences
Categories: Science and Technology | Easy
In defense of the MBTI | May 23

Are you an ENFJ or the polar opposite ISTP or do you belong to any of the other 14 personality types? Have you either voluntarily taken or been asked to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test to find out what your personality is? Over the years the test has both been lauded and criticized for its seeming (in)ability to predict how well people will fit into certain jobs and professions. In this medium-difficulty long read, the author passionately advocates an argument in support of the test and chooses to critique the critics by addressing the most commonly purported flaws of the test.
Categories: Social Sciences | Moderate
Life On Earth | May 18

Biology meets chemistry in this interesting, long, and occasionally-confusing difficult read. Growing research is making scientists rethink the origins of life on Earth. There is no doubt that life forms have existed on our planet for several billion years. However, the ‘when’ and ‘how’ did life begin questions have not been decisively answered yet. New research results and an increasing body of knowledge that has developed over the last year is making scientists question certain assumptions made about preconditions for life to begin forming.
Categories: Science and Technology | Difficult
Arrival of The Project Economy | May 16

This HBR article discusses a key change in how businesses operate – the arrival of the project economy. This long read of medium difficulty walks us through everything we need to know and understand to better grasp what the project economy means. From a discussion of current resistance to project economy, the article progresses into why project management is increasingly relevant to a business, how it is different from operations management, and even delves into the skills needed to be successful project leaders.
Categories: Business and Economy | Moderate
A Timely Read | May 11

What are muons and is our perception of the duration of their existence influenced by their speed of movement? Does gravity influence our perception of time? Can twins age differently because of space travel? What is the grandfather paradox? Finally, is time real or an illusion? This slightly-long-but-easy read discusses the idea of time and if you read it carefully, you should be able to draw inferences and answer all the questions we have raised.
Categories: Science and Technology | Easy
What’s the row over Roe Vs. Wade? | May 9

Recently leaked documents of the US Supreme Court show that the court is preparing to overturn a 1970s ruling giving women the right to abortion. This leaked document is the discussion of all media channels in the US as there is an uproar over both the leak and the leaked contents. If you have wondered what the Roe Vs. Wade conversation is about and the legal implications of the potential overturn, read this medium difficulty New York Times Op-Ed on the issue.
Categories: Social Sciences | Moderate
Flat-Earther Conspiracy | May 2

Is the Earth flat or a globe? A question that was seemingly answered by the Greeks in third century BC is still a topic of debate. The author of this long read, of medium difficulty, makes some interesting vocabulary choices as they explore the flat-earther conspiracy theory and discusses why and how people justify the claim that the Earth is flat. Read on to trace the modern history of flat-earthers and the psychological and social construct behind believing the theory in this subjective piece fighting the conspiracy theory.
Read the GMAT GRE RC Practice in Sciences
Categories: Science and Technology | Moderate
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